
JobStash is a free, unbiased job board designed as a public good for the entire crypto ecosystem. 

We import crypto-native job opportunities from an ever-growing list of reputable, verified, and decentralization-aligned organizations at no cost, saving them the hassle of actively posting vacancies and streamlining job and candidate discovery.

We provide visibility, transparency, and safety to both jobseekers and organizations looking to hire.

Our purpose is to grow the ecosystem both by onboarding new talent into crypto and by facilitating rotation of established talent across organizations.

We don’t charge job posting fees, job placement fees or interview fees—in fact, we have no fees at all. If one wants to gain extra visibility, we allow organizations to feature their job posts, but that’s about it.

We index data for ~8000 organizations and track about 3000 live jobs at any given point in time across the ecosystem. Our goal is to have near-complete coverage of all of the crypto ecosystem. Over the past year, we’ve served 55,700 job applications and 442,000 page views. We’ve grown to over 11k subscribers on Telegram and have 6,600 visitors per month on our website.